- One of the main directions of research
НЭСШ Novosibirsk Economic and Sociological School.




AUTHORBessonova Olga Ph.D. (Sociology), a senior researcher of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, a member of Secretary General’s Advisory Group on the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II), a member of the European Housing network, the author of the book “Housing: the Market and Razdacha” and other works on the razdatok-economy and the housing reform. E-mail beol@ngs.ru

Razdatok-economy Theory - new version of economic development of Russia. During all history the Russian economy (according to the Theory) is razdatok-type economy, with self-regulative nature and inner laws of development. Institutional cycles illustrate a nature to its evolution, with presence of transitive periods, in which pseudo-private environment is created for modernization razdatok-economy institutes.

The summary Results transformation processes in Russia have appeared opposite to volume that reformers in the beginning of 90th years XX of a century assumed. Therefore the government has sharply changed a rate and has included distributing mechanisms traditional for the Russian economic practice in new forms. The general theory institutional transformations gives other explanation to the event differing widespread treatment about revival of a planned economy and restoration of institutes of authority-property. From its point of view in Russia there is a becoming economy " liberal razdatok" which features are the service contract and state orders as modern forms institutionalization attitudes of "delivery-distributions", basis production become state corporations, and a base economic mechanism becomes " budgetary self-financing"